As each day ends may I have lived,
That I may truly say:
I did no harm to human kind,
From truth I did not stray;
I did no wrong with knowing mind,
From evil I did keep;
I turned no hungry person away,
I caused no one to weep.
One of the most undeniable truths of life is that our
time here is short and when we are called from
this life it leaves those we loved and called friends empty
and heavy with grief. Funeral services are an integral
part of society, they allow those of us who are left behind
to grieve as a community and to allow our self's to say goodbye
in a dignified and fitting manner. It is not healthy as a
society if we do not say our farewells.
The reading at the top of this page is a reading I like to
use in all of my Funeral Services. It is from
The Egyptian book of the Dead and was written c 4500bc
I like to use this reading not only for its powerful imagery
but also to remind us that funeral services have been
carried out for a very long time. There is evidence that
rituals surrounding death go back 300,000 years to the
Middle Paleolithic period. This means that nearly for all
of man kinds existence we have known the importance
of caring for our loved ones once they have passed.
Former British Prime minister William Gladstone once Wrote:
"Show me the manner in which a nation cares for its dead and I will measure with mathematical exactness the tender mercies of its people, their respect for the laws of the land and their loyalty to high ideals."
Please direct all inquires
regarding Funeral Services to
William Barrett and Sons
9 Spencer st Bunbury
08 97214311