U ME n the LAW
Ok folks this is where Hollywood stops for a bit and we have to get a little more serious (just a little) then its back to the good stuff.
My job and the job of all Commonwealth Marriage Celebrants is to marry you according to the law as set out in the Marriage act of 1961. This is a complicated document, which is why all Celebrants had to study and go through a rigorous application process to be appointed.
First thing you must be over 18 to be married, one party to the couple may be 16 but needs to apply to a judge and have written consent from there parents this is a long and complicate process.
Second you must not be related no Blood relatives can be married this includes if you were adopted into a family in the eyes of the law you became their blood relatives.
Next off the list you cannot be currently married any where on our planet simple enough.
I must also be satisfied that both parties are entering into this marriage of their own free will.
A Notice of Intended marriage Noim must be presented to me at least one calendar month before the wedding can take place this can only be shortened in rare circumstances. To complete the Noim I need to sight your original Australian Birth Certificates no ifs or buts on this one. For people born overseas an overseas birth certificate needs to be provided if it is in a foreign language you will need to provide a certified NAATI certified copy or an overseas Passport if this cant be provided please contact me.
I will need to see any previous Original Marriage Certificates and the most Recent Divorce paper.
If your a Widow you will need to provide evidence of your previous partners passing in the form of an original death certificate I am aware this is a sensitive issue but it is a legal requirement.
The Names that will appear on your NOIM and Certificates will be exactly as they appear on your Birth Certificate, Change of Name or Divorce Papers if you use a different name or want a different name recorded you will need to file for a change of name with BDM.
For the Ladies your Maiden/previous marriage name will be recorded on all forms and Certificates you do not change your name in law as such but when you marry you can Assume your Husbands name or vice versa.
The Marriage Certificate that your receive on the day is not the official certificate you will need to apply for one of these from BDM