Shot Gun Weddings $450 + MILEAGE
Not all things in life need to be or can be planned out. There is no script to life so I specialize in very relaxed fun ceremonies designed to reflect life itself.
if you have the desire to have a quick and simple Registry style wedding service in your home, on the front lawn or at the pub I am more then happy to assist. Just remember that there is a minimum of 1 calendar month notice needed. Unfortunately for this reason I am unable to officiate a Surprise Wedding nor should any Celebrant.
If you wish others to be involved in the wedding service we can accommodate all requests.
A Wedding Ceremony has a basic format which we can add or remove some elements although there are parts that are a legal requirement
Bride arrives 5mins late (tradition)
Opening quote
Introduction of Couple Full Names (Legal)
Introduction of Celebrant (Legal)
Giving Away (Traditional)
Couples History
Monitum (Legal)
Promises (Tradition)
Vows as prescribed by the Marriage Act (Legal)
Exchanging of the rings (Tradition)
Proclamation of Marriage
Kiss the Bride
Sign Certificates
Presentation of the Couple to Family and Friends
For this Wedding Service my Fees are
$450 within 25km of Bunbury $200 non refundable deposit on lodgement of Noim Balance required 14 days before service. No Refund if less then 48hrs notice given
Busselton, Harvey, Collie, Donnybrook, Binningup add $100 + Rehearsal
Margaret River, Augusta, Waroona, Balingup, Bridgetown add $175 + Rehearsal
This includes:
First meeting
Completion of all Documents
Marriage Script Writing
Follow up Meeting
Rehearsal if required (mileage may be added)
On the Day
Arrive min 20mins before service
Audio Equipment if required
Signing Table if required
Chairs for signing table if required
Delivery of Wedding Service
Lodgement of All Documents to relevant BDM
Extras Cost:
More then 1 wedding rehearsal $75+ mileage
Candles, sands etc. on application
Accommodation cost for long distance
Any Meals